If you are searching for a Bible-based worshipping community that is welcoming to all and seeks to be active in the midst of the city, accept this invitation to come and worship with us. You will be welcomed. It does not matter if you have been in a church your whole life or if you don’t know anything about church and have lot’s of questions. You are welcome because Jesus welcomes all.
Again, at SOV it doesn’t matter if you grew up a Lutheran, Baptist, or Roman Catholic. We are a diverse people with diverse backgrounds. It doesn’t matter if you are currently a member of another church. It doesn’t matter if you have not been to church in a long time. All that matters is that you believe that Christ died for you and that in communion we share in God’s blessings for this life and into eternity. All people, in trust of God, are welcome to participate in Holy Communion. It is God’s gift to give to His people.
The decision is always up to you as the parent, yet Shepherd of the Valley and the pastors highly encourage children of all ages to be in our worship services. Worshipping with your children is how they learn the faith. Teach them about the worship service and talk to them about why it is important to you. The more we engage children together, the more they will benefit.
If you so desire, there is a cry room space behind glass at each service where you can see and hear worship. If you ever need help with children, there is always someone willing to assist you.
Each Sunday there is a message specifically for children.
Throughout the year, classes are then offered for children after worship during the fellowship time.
It is flip flops to favorite ties. Dresses to workout pants. You will see servant-members and visitors who dress up on Sunday and others who dress in a very casual manner. We enjoy the variety of our diverse community and hope you will as well. Bottom line, be you and enjoy everyone else being who God made them to be!
There are special services during Christmas and Easter time. At times, we have mid-week worship services on Wednesday night that help us center our lives on Christ during Holy Seasons of the year
Utilizing Bible based, historical forms of worship, Lutheran expressions of liturgy, and always centered around the Word of God, we celebrate God’s grace by inviting all people to express their faith in all our diversity. Favorite hymns, organ, piano, vocal choir, and relevant messages help equip all to focus on the Sacred and prepare us for the week ahead. A children’s message and communion are offered every Sunday morning. If you are new, know you are welcomed to join in fellowship and refreshments after the worship service
1500 West Maryland Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85015, United States